The Problem
Secure file sharing using AWS S3:
- I upload a file to an S3 bucket with restricted permissions
- The client downloads the file and processes it
- The client uploads the results to the S3 bucket
- I download the processed file and the transaction is complete
I thought setting the permissions on the bucket would be enough. I was wrong.
The Setup
I use a federated login to AWS and assume a role under a corporate account. I created an S3 bucket that would be used for filesharing with one object called “Delivery” (for files received from the client) and one object called “Submissions” (for files I’m sharing with the client).
Although the S3 console depicts bucket contents as a hierarchical file/folder system, S3 buckets are actually flat collections of objects. “Folder” objects have key values that include / delimiters, and the S3 console helpfully renders these as folders.
For example, the file “first.txt” in the “Submissions” folder of the “Example” bucket is the “Submissions/first.txt” object.
I set the policy on the bucket to allow read, list, and write access based on the client’s Account ID. This was done in the S3 console by selecting the bucket, and opening it’s permissions, then selecting bucket policy.

Bucket permissions
This bucket policy was crafted to allow the client to list the bucket and download/upload objects. The bucket policy JSON looks like this:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "DelegateS3Access",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<12-digit client account ID>:root"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"arn:aws:s3:::<bucket name>/*",
"arn:aws:s3:::<bucket name>"
With these permissions in place, the client was able to upload and download files successfully. However, I was unable to view or download files uploaded by the client! This was unexpected, as I owned the bucket.
Elevate my thinking
I wasn’t thinking loftily. As the AWS forum post that solved the issue pointed out:
When a user uploads an object to your bucket the default ACL that is set is only set for that user.
This is great for security, but not for a mutual fileshare. The client had to grant my account permissions to view the files they uploaded. This was possible programmatically by using the AWS CLI:
aws s3api put-object --bucket <bucket name> --key <object name including path> --body <file to upload in current working directory> --acl bucket-owner-full-control
For example, if the client wanted to upload the local file “foo.txt” in their current directory to bucket “examplebucket” in the “submissions” folder, the command would be:
aws s3api put-object --bucket examplebucket --key submissions/foo.txt --body foo.txt --acl bucket-owner-full-control
I believe this solution is fairly resilient as:
- Access to this bucket is restricted to a trusted entity, identified by their Account ID,
- The only S3 object permissions allowed on this bucket, and objects in it, are ListBucket, GetObject, and PutObject, and
- A minimal amount of data is stored in this bucket and it’s all intended for use by the client
Potential vulnerabilities include:
- An attacker could spoof the client by gaining access to the client’s account which would allow access to files stored in this bucket.
- The GetObject permission may not be desirable in all situations. If a write-only dropbox is desired, this permission should be omitted.