Blacklight Privacy Tool

Today on my Mastodon feed, several folks were discussing a new tool by TheMarkup called Blacklight. This tool is billed as a “real-time website privacy inspector” that showcases the ad and tracking tech deployed by a website. I shared this tool with several colleagues and it engendered a stimulating conversation surrounding company commitment to privacy. I argued during this conversation that it would be worse for a company to claim to value customer privacy and then have Blacklight reveal otherwise, than to have made no such claim in the first place. ...

September 22, 2020 · 2 min · Chris

Using Local Fonts - Hugo Academic Theme

The fresh new look of this site is provided by the Academic Hugo Theme. Because I value your privacy just as I value my own, I needed to modify this theme to not make use of Google Web Fonts because use of this service enables Google to further track users. In this guide, I’ll add the Montserrat font by Julieta Ulanovsky as the heading font for this blog: TL;DR - Recap Step 1 - Select font character set and weights using Google web fonts helper Search for Montserrat using the Google Web Fonts Helper app and select the weights desired: ...

September 3, 2020 · 6 min · Chris

A Fresh Look

I’ve updated this site’s appearance with a new hugo blog theme

August 31, 2020 · 2 min · Chris