Static Sites in 2016 - Updated
In a previous post I discussed the complicated process of configuring S3 to use Letsencrypt to obtain a TLS certificate. That post served as a reference for me to re-implement Letsencrypt every 90 days. Since then, my 90-day Letsencrypt certificate expired, and I was at a loss for how to re-instate it. Using my own post as a reference didn’t help me with the arcane letsencrypt errors I was encountering. It was a pain in the ass trying to remember how to configure and use a combination of letsencrypt, awscli, virtual machines to run them in (letsencrypt has since implemented a docker option for running on OSX), et cetera, et cetera. I was hoping to get all of this done during a brief lull in my workday. Nope.jpg I’m chalking my experience up to the non-standard use case of using letsencrypt to generate a TLS certificate for a site hosted on S3. Perhaps in the future there will be native support for S3/Cloudfront sites in letsencrypt, but it’s not there yet. ...